Friday, July 9, 2010

Miscellaneous Moments: Lindau Meeting, 2009

Lindau Meeting was full of happening I would like to share. Not only attending lectures of Nobel Laureates, but also discussion with them informally and warm interaction with young researchers are the essence of such rendezvous.

Professor Dr. Molina, giving his Lecture

Informal Discussion Session with Nobel Laureate

Personal Interaction with Nobel Laureate Dr. Martin Chalfie

I cannot but add this photo here! I look so attentive listening the lecture of Nobel Laureate!

We had a lively interaction with American young researchers at the evening American get together. We discussed the research philosophy with the context of our homeland.

Me and Biplob with two American young researchers

Another gathering was worth remembering, that is Indian Dinner. We, all the young researchers from India, Germany, Nepal, Rumania and Bangladesh at the dinner.

Young Researchers, utilizing the Dance Floor!

Nobel Laureates also No Less! Prof. Peter Agre, dancing with a female researcher!

We had a grand food there!

At the final day, we had a great trip of boat to Mainau Island. It was worth remembering indeed!Me, shishir and Biplob in the Boat

I had a very informal lively conversation with Sir Kroto in the Boat!

My last photo here! The beautiful evening Lindau at the side of Lake Constance!

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